About Us

Our Task

The Task of Our Church

At its most basic, our task is to move forward on the ministry path God has set out for us.  Our Values, Vision and Mission help us to understand what that path looks like. 

Our Values


Our Mission

Seeking God First
Growing in Christ
Serving in the Spirit

Our Vision

Good Shepherd is committed to a deepening relationship with God and with all people through worship, discipleship, and service:

By providing a loving environment that encourages all to become fully devoted followers of Christ.  

By demonstrating the love of God in our community, both locally and globally.

By reaching out in love and acceptance to all people so they can reach their full potential in Christ. 

By sharing the joy of God’s eternal love.

And with God’s grace, we will unite in establishing His Kingdom on earth by caring for His children today and into the future.

The Task for Each of Us

The ministry of Good Shepherd United Methodist Church has always been a ministry of connection and service.  The future of our ministry involves a continuing call to develop a deeper understanding of who God is, and who God is calling us to be – both as individuals and as a community of faith.   

This depth of understanding doesn’t just happen – God calls us to be open to the process of learning and growing, God calls us to cooperate with the process as Christians and as a church, and God calls us to share it with others. 

Seeking, Growing, Serving

As we move forward, we truly seek God first, wanting to understand God’s desires for our lives and the life of our church. 

We seek to continue to grow in Christ, moving forward from where we are to where God wants us to be, and living, more and more, into the very likeness of Jesus. 

We seek to reach out in service to the world, sharing the joy of authentic relationship with an eternal, loving God.

Our Invitation to You

The United Methodist Church welcomes all who are seeking to grow in their relationship with God.  John Wesley understood that the basics are important – faith in God, redemption through the death and resurrection of Christ, and a heart that is open to the presence and work of the Holy Spirit – but he also understood that, beyond those basics, there is room for diversity, difference, and exploration. 

Come and Explore 

We invite you to walk with us on the path of faith, discipleship, and growth.  Within our church, we hope that you will find direction and support on your personal journey.  Through our church, we hope that you will find ways to express your faith in ways that help others to understand God’s presence in their lives.

We are not perfect (and we don’t claim to be) but we are seeking to understand and experience God’s perfect love in this world, and to be active participants in the work of God's Kingdom on earth.

Our Theology

The United Methodist Church is an inclusive faith community, welcoming people of diverse beliefs within the Christian faith.  While we welcome diversity of thought, our pastor's sermons tend to be moderate in theology, taking seriously the Incarnation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection, and seeking to follow God's call to each of us to live in holiness.

Holy Communion

The Lord's Supper is offered as part of all worship services on the first Sunday of each month.  Ours is an open table, available to all who are seeking to follow God and to build a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Additional Communion services are offered during special seasons, and Communion may be brought to the homebound upon request.


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