Ministry to children is a major part of our work at Good Shepherd.  Various programs are available throughout the year to help build a foundation of faith for the adults of tomorrow.

Children’s Time

When:  Each Sunday morning during the 9:30 am service
Where:  Sanctuary

This time, which is part of our weekly service, provides a message for the children that is related to the day’s sermon.  Object lessons, magic tricks, puppets and more are used to convey the thoughts for the day, and the importance of God’s presence in our lives.

Children’s Worship

When:  Each Sunday morning during the sermon (Cancelled during June)
Where:  Children’s Worship Area

During the sermon, young folks are invited to head out for their own, age-appropriate worship time.  Using a variety of teach methods, including the wonderful Godly Play curriculum, children learn about Christian living and the incredible love of God in new ways.

On Communion Sundays, children are returned to the Sanctuary in time to participate in the Lord’s Supper with their families.

Be enlightened and entertained while learning the word of God!